What is 'Parsing failure'?
Some of the conditions within a message that contributes to it showing as a "Parsing Failure" are:
1) Large email parts (size 185MB and bigger) will fail to parse.
Usually, it is a video, audio, or word doc attachment. This does not mean the full email has failed to parse -- only the attachment. This would be an example where the email message could be successfully searched and retrieved by using any part of the email message headers or body (except for the attachment contents).
2) Some parts will go in the parsing failures when the system is running low on memory.
This should be an exception case, not normal behavior.
3) Error -3 while decompressing: invalid stored block lengths
4) Error -3 while decompressing: invalid block type
5) Error -3 while decompressing: invalid code lengths set
6) Error -3 while decompressing: invalid block type All of the above errors would occur during decompression (e.g. zip file attachment) and means there might be a corruption in the file
7) Bad CRC-32 for file
This means a redundancy check (CRC) has failed for a file attachment
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