Most of the translations are included with the server itself – this doesn’t apply only to WebClient but also to our apps, like Outlook Sync, TeamChat or FileSync.
Contact our support if there’s a mistake or missing translation in your language.
The display language of WebClient can be changed on the login screen, for example,
Language can also be forced via Administrator Settings (General > Global settings). Folders are named based on the language used in WebClient at your first login.
If you need to rename default folders (except Inbox, which is changing dynamically by selected language), go to Remote Console: Groupware > General > Rename Folders.
Please be aware that default folders might not be automatically changed after renaming – in WebClient, check Settings > General > Default Folders.
You may encounter various issues across the interface until the default folders get correctly mapped.
Automatically generated emails (informing about undelivered mail or exceeding mailbox quota) are always in English.
If you want to customise it, look for file strings.dat located in the Examples folder in the Icewarp directory. When finished with editing, please save it to the Config folder.
Groupware email notifications from TeamChat or Calendar are driven by server language.
You can check what language is set via API variable c_system_server_language.
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