WebClient/OutlookSync Rules not workin
Not sure 100% if it has to do with the latest release Deep Castle 1 but rules were working fine previously.
After the update client rules are not working anymore. Basically WebClient users and also Outlook Sync Client are reporting the same issue. What is odd for some users for some of the 10-20 existent rules maybe 1-2 are still functioning and the rest no.
We are using simple rules. (for example: Where Subject: and Where To: Move to:)
What we tried so far is deleting/recreating rules. We also used different strategies when created the new rules and no matter what simple options are used in Rules - they are not taking effect. This problem is for two weeks and no advised received from the Online Support Team. Hopefully we get more help via Community.
I am now on DeepCastle2 and rules unfortunately are still not working.
BUT I do have an important observation. It looks like the only rules are not working are the ones that are sent to a group. (groupname@domainname.com = username1@domainname.com; username2@domainname.com etc.)
It is really interesting that the rule won't function when the message is sent to a group.
I also tried applying the rule only if message is from:'certain account' with Subject:'certain subject' without/or with mentioning where is sent (the group in cause).
Basically, any rule created for a message that is sent to a group WON'T WORK.
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