WebClient/OutlookSync Rules not workin



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    Simon Woods


    I am also seeing the rules issues. We are on Deep Castle 1. I have also tried amending a rule that was working prior to this and no luck. The existing rules are all working correctly. 



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    Michael Frank

    I found that if you turn off "Relay local messages" it stops processing the email rules on mailing lists. Probably has something to do with how it changes the header but that is just from preliminary investigating. I am still working on sorting out the issue

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    Antonio Chifa

    I am now on DeepCastle2 and rules unfortunately are still not working.

    BUT I do have an important observation. It looks like the only rules are not working are the ones that are sent to a group. (groupname@domainname.com = username1@domainname.com; username2@domainname.com etc.)

    It is really interesting that the rule won't function when the message is sent to a group.

    I also tried applying the rule only if message is from:'certain account' with Subject:'certain subject' without/or with mentioning where is sent (the group in cause).

    Basically, any rule created for a message that is sent to a group WON'T WORK.




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