How can I find out the size of users, when quotas are enabled or not?
If quotas are enabled, run "quota get storage user.username" to get the mailbox size for the specified user.
CLI>quota get storage user.username
There is also a section in the weekly report and a daily mailboxes report. The mailboxes report gives you the size of each folder even if the quota is not enabled, they are updated only once daily.
If quotas are not set, you can set a quota for the mailbox and query it. Once queried you can disable the quota by setting it to -1.
Here are few examples to which you can refer.
1) vm201> quota set storage user.sanjay 1024
OK Completed
Here we have set the quota for the user sanjay.
2) vm201> quota get storage user.sanjay
user.sanjay 0 1024
OK Completed
From this command the quota assigned to the user sanjay is displayed.
3) vm201> quota set storage user.sanjay -1
OK Completed
Here quota is disabled for sanjay.
vm201> quota get storage user.sanjay
NO Quota root does not exist
The results are displayed.
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