How can I add icons to new tabs on the corporate edition's top bar? In the Corporate Edition Branding guide, it explains that icons can be set using the "iconClass' attribute in extras/brandvars.var. However, I can't seem to find the available gen_silk_icon icons?
The reference names for the icons can be found at the bottom of the following file:
The first 3 entries are:
.accept { background-position:-2px -2px; }
.add { background-position:-22px -2px; }
.anchor { background-position:-42px -2px; }
The icons are named from Left to Right, Top to Bottom corresponding with the image map which you can get under :
To use as labels reference them as:
'iconClass' : 'gen_silk_icon accept',
For example; here is the gen_silk_icon CSS for reference:
.gen_silk_icon {
background-image: url(/wm/eml/icons/silk_imagemap.png?locale=en_US.ISO_8859-1&ui_ver=4.3.4-GA.2&brand=system&deldom=);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
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