This guide provides information about the passwords-only migration between Microsoft 365 (hereafter referred to as M365) and IceWarp Server. This kind of migration is used when you have the same domain on M365 and IceWarp Server.
1) Prepare M365 for migration
The only thing we must do on M365 is to turn off "MFA" (Multi-factor authentication).
a) Login to
b) Left upper corner -> All services -> Select Azure Active Directory
c) Select Properties
d) Click at the bottom on “Manage security defaults”
e) Change “Enable security defaults” to “No”. Changing this option will turn the MFA off.
f) Hit the "Save" button
Now the M365 is ready to be migrated.
2) Prepare IceWarp
We will use the built-in server migration tool in the IceWarp Remote Console, which is optimal for this type of migration.
a) Make sure that you have users under the same domain as on M365
b) Open Remote Console
c) Navigate yourself to System -> Tools -> Server Migration
d) Fill out the form like this:
Migration account - When the migration is in progress, migrated users cannot access their accounts. You may want to create a migration account and insert a notification email into your Inbox. Users will be redirected there and notified about the temporary inaccessibility of their emails.
Log file - Create a file and name it however you want (example.log). Add the full path to the "Log file:" field.
e) Click on Start
f) Now go to your hostname, for example, “", and try to log in with the M365 password
g) Now you should receive this message:
Currently, the M365 password replaces the old IceWarp password in the account. DB.
h) When you click on "Sign in" again, you should be able to Log In.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the migration must run while logging into your WebClient.
Now you’ve successfully migrated your password.
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