IceWarp offers various methods for contacting our support team for sales or technical inquiries. Let's go ahead and explore all the available options based on the type of customer you represent.
Customers using our services in our cloud datacentres automatically enjoy many of the benefits of customers with service contracts (SLA) who run their servers on-premises.
These customers can reach out to us through the following channels:
- submit any severity request via Live Chat on our website
- complete a dedicated support form on our website for any severity request
Please refer to the following article for details on severity levels and response times.
Customers with service contracts running their services on-premises enjoy numerous benefits, including faster response times, telephone support, priority for top-severity requests, access to request history, and additional premium services in specific available plans.
These customers can reach out to us through the following channels:
- submit any severity request via Live Chat on our website
- complete a dedicated support form on our website for any severity request
- contact sales or technical support using the phone numbers provided in your contract (Service Level Agreement)
Please refer to the following article for details on severity levels and response times.
Customers with on-premises servers that purchased licenses only enjoy standard support that varies from the SLA contracts in the following options:
- requests limited to severities 3 or 4 can be submitted free of charge via Live Chat on our website
- requests of top severities 1 or 2 can be submitted via paid Emergency Support service
Please refer to the following article for details on severity levels and response times.
Customers registered as Partners at IceWarp enjoy numerous benefits, including faster response times, telephone support, priority for top-severity requests, access to request history, and additional premium services specified in their contract.
These customers can reach out to us through the following channels:
- submit any severity request via Live Chat on our website
- complete a dedicated support form on our website for any severity request shared with you individually
- contact sales or technical support using the phone numbers provided in your contract (Service Level Agreement)
Please refer to the following article for details on severity levels and response times.
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