The following changes require stopping IW and MySQL(MariaDB).
We recommend doing a backup of the whole DB server before you start!
1. Stop IW (be careful on the watchdog - how to turn off watchdog using below)
/opt/icewarp/ set system C_System_Tools_WatchDog_SMTP 0
/opt/icewarp/ set system C_System_Tools_WatchDog_POP3 0
/opt/icewarp/ set system C_System_Tools_WatchDog_IM 0
/opt/icewarp/ set system C_System_Tools_Watchdog_GW 0
/opt/icewarp/ set system C_System_Tools_Watchdog_Control 0
2. Create DUMP's for all icewarp DB's
mysqldump -hDB_HOST -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD --opt --quote-names --skip-set-charset --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --single-transaction EXAMPLEOFDB > /exmpleofdb.sql
3. Stop MySQL(MariaDB)
systemctl stop mysql
4. Add value
"lower_case_table_names = 1" to /etc/my.cnf (under [mysqld] section)
5. Start MySQL
systemctl enable mysql
systemctl start mysql
6. Create whole new DB's with utf8mb4 charset
Collation differs with nationality, more ->
Make sure the new DBs have different names than the old ones.
CREATE DATABASE exampleofdb default charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci;
7. Import DUMPs back to the DB
mysql -hDB_HOST -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD --default-character-set=utf8mb4 exampleofdb < /exampleofdb.sql
8. Start IW services
9. Check test connection on all DB's
System - Advanced - Directory Cache - DB Settings...
Groupware - General - General - DB Settings...
Groupware - WebClient - General - DB Settings...
Groupware - ActiveSync - ActiveSync - DB Settings...
Anti-Spam - General - General - DB Settings...
Anti-Spam - Action - Reports - DB Settings...
System - Storage - Accounts - DB Settings...
*** If you are using some other DB's on the MySQL(MariaDB) then these changes can cause issues ***
Tested environment: MariaDB 10.3, CentOS7
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