IceWarp allows users to set up the signature in Webclient on three levels using server variables to pull information from the VCARD of the user.
In IceWarp are three levels on which you can set up the signature:
- User
- Domain
- Global
During setup of the signature, you can use server variables which will allow you to set up the values specified in the VCARD of the user. The article about the server variables.
1. User
User signature can be set up by every user using WebClient. Every user can have multiple signatures. The screenshot below describes where you can find the signature editor. Standard users cannot use the server variables.
2. Domain
Domain signatures can be edited by the domain administrator, web administrator, or administrator. On this level can be used server variables from the VCARD of the users. Below is an example of setting up the signature for the whole domain with the "Force Option". This option will force the signature as default for the user in the domain. Domain administrator and administrator/web administrator has a different location for the setting because domain administrator doesn't have access to the Administrator Settings.
Administrator/Web administrator setting location:
Domain administrator setting location:
In the preview, you can see how the signature will be displayed for the user. If the user doesn't have the value in the VCARD parameter, then IW will not insert any symbol to the signature.
3. Global
The global signature can be modified only by the full administrator of the server in the WebClient. On the screenshot below is the setup "Force option" for domain administrators and users (red checkbox). This option will force the signature as default for the user and domain administrators.
Signature setup applies only for mails sent from WebClient. It will not be used in the emails sent from any other email clients. Domain signature will overpower global signature.
We are not recommending using footer for the signature purposes.
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