Should you want to turn off built-in antivirus solution from Sophos (pre-DC3 version contained Kaspersky) in IceWarp for some reason, you can do that by the following steps:
Remote Console
- open the remote admin console and navigate to API Console (CTRL+SHIFT+A)
- search for API "c_av_misc_disableinternal" and set the value to 1 (True)
- restart the SMTP module
Command-line / Linux
/opt/icewarp/ set system c_av_misc_disableinternal 1
/opt/icewarp/ --restart
Command-line / Windows
C:\Program Files\Icewarp\tool.exe set system c_av_misc_disableinternal 1
Restart IceWarp Server via Windows Services
Please note that we still do recommend using at least some alternative antivirus solution to protect your server (Anti-Virus - External Filters)
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