- When there is a problem with a conference, usually a conference does not start and there is only a black window displayed instead.
- Press F12 in the conference browser window to enter the console. The errors are visible in the console.
Autoconfig service and the correct license.
If the license is valid and paid, jitsicert.dat file is created in the config folder in the Icewarp.
When the Control service restarts and jitsert.dat is not found, the IceWarp connects to the https://jwt-global.icewarp.com/api/configure via JitsiAutoConfig and verifies the correctness of the license again.
The https://jwt-global.icewarp.com/api/configure is optimized for a global communication of the transnational corporations. We also use links for specific countries – Europe, Asia and United States.
JitsiAutoConfig also checks the license continuously in random intervals. Check can also be performed for various other reasons, like the change in the license validity or if the conference url is accidently deleted.
JitsiAutoConfig connects to the license parameter teamconferenceprovisioningservice.
The Conference does not have a dedicated logging service.
To see if the JitsiAutoConfig service runs correctly, view the maintenance log.
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